var WPViews = WPViews || {}; var wpv_stop_rollover = {}; window.wpvPaginationAjaxLoaded = {}; window.wpvPaginationAnimationFinished = {}; window.wpvPaginationQueue = {}; // ------------------------------------ // Clone // ------------------------------------ // Textarea and select clone() bug workaround | Spencer Tipping // Licensed under the terms of the MIT source code license // Motivation. // jQuery's clone() method works in most cases, but it fails to copy the value of textareas and select elements. This patch replaces jQuery's clone() method with a wrapper that fills in the // values after the fact. // An interesting error case submitted by Piotr Przybyl: If two box itself rather than relying on jQuery's value-based val(). ;(function (original) { jQuery.fn.clone = function () { var result = original.apply(this, arguments), my_textareas = this.find('textarea').add(this.filter('textarea')), result_textareas = result.find('textarea').add(result.filter('textarea')), my_selects = this.find('select').add(this.filter('select')), result_selects = result.find('select').add(result.filter('select')); for (var i = 0, l = my_textareas.length; i < l; ++i) { $(result_textareas[i]).val($(my_textareas[i]).val()); } for (var i = 0, l = my_selects.length; i < l; ++i) { for (var j = 0, m = my_selects[i].options.length; j < m; ++j) { if (my_selects[i].options[j].selected === true) { result_selects[i].options[j].selected = true; } else { result_selects[i].options[j].selected = false; } } } return result; }; })(jQuery.fn.clone); // ------------------------------------ // Rollover // ------------------------------------ jQuery.fn.wpvRollover = function() { var args = arguments[0] || {id: 1, effect: "fade", speed: 5, page: 1, count: 1}, id =, effect = args.effect, speed = args.speed*1000, page =, count = args.count, cache_pages = args.cache_pages, preload_pages = args.preload_pages, spinner = args.spinner, spinner_image = args.spinner_image, callback_next = args.callback_next, wpvInfiniteLoop; if ( count > 1 ) { if ( window.wpvPaginationAjaxLoaded.hasOwnProperty( id ) && window.wpvPaginationAjaxLoaded[id] === false ) { setTimeout( 'jQuery(this).wpvRollover({id: "' + id + '", effect:\'' + effect + '\', speed:' + ( speed/1000 ) + ', page:' + page + ', count:' + count + ', cache_pages:' + cache_pages + ', preload_pages:' + preload_pages + ', spinner:\'' + spinner + '\', spinner_image:\'' + spinner_image + '\', callback_next:\'' + callback_next + '\'})', 100 ); return false; } window.wpvPaginationAjaxLoaded[id] = false; wpvInfiniteLoop = setTimeout( function() { if ( effect === 'slideright' || effect === 'slidedown' ) { if ( page <= 1 ) { page = count; } else { page--; } } else { if ( page === count ) { page = 1; } else { page++; } } if ( !wpv_stop_rollover.hasOwnProperty( id ) ) { WPViews.view_pagination.pagination_replace_view( id, page, true, effect, count, cache_pages, preload_pages, spinner, spinner_image, callback_next, false ); jQuery( this ).wpvRollover( { id:id, effect:effect, speed:speed/1000, page:page, count:count, cache_pages:cache_pages, preload_pages:preload_pages, spinner:spinner, spinner_image:spinner_image, callback_next:callback_next } ); } }, speed); } }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Table sorting head click //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TODO create a table sorting object to wrap all related code jQuery( document ).on( 'click', '.js-wpv-column-header-click', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); var thiz = jQuery( this ), view_number = 'viewnumber' ), name = 'name' ), direction = 'direction' ), innerthis; jQuery( 'form[name="wpv-filter-' + view_number + '"]' ).each( function() { innerthis = jQuery( this ); innerthis.find( '#wpv_column_sort_id' ).val( name ); innerthis.find( '#wpv_column_sort_dir' ).val( direction ); WPViews.view_frontend_utils.add_url_controls_for_column_sort( innerthis ); }); jQuery( 'form[name="wpv-filter-' + view_number + '"]' ).submit(); return false; }); WPViews.ViewFrontendUtils = function( $ ) { // ------------------------------------ // Constants and variables // ------------------------------------ var self = this; // ------------------------------------ // Methods // ------------------------------------ /** * extract_url_query_parameters * * Extracts parameters from a query string, managing arrays, and returns an array of pairs key => value * * @param string query_string * * @return array * * @note ##URLARRAYVALHACK## is a hacky constant * * @uses decodeURIComponent * * @since 1.9.0 */ self.extract_url_query_parameters = function( query_string ) { var query_string_pairs = {}; if ( query_string == "" ) { return query_string_pairs; } var query_string_split = query_string.split( '&' ), query_string_split_length = query_string_split.length; for ( var i = 0; i < query_string_split_length; ++i ) { var qs_part = query_string_split[i].split( '=' ); if ( qs_part.length != 2 ) { continue; }; var thiz_key = qs_part[0], thiz_val = decodeURIComponent( qs_part[1].replace( /\+/g, " " ) ); // Adjust thiz_key to work with POSTed arrays thiz_key = thiz_key.replace( "[]", "" ); thiz_key = thiz_key.replace( "%5B%5D", "" ); if ( query_string_pairs.hasOwnProperty( thiz_key ) ) { if ( query_string_pairs[thiz_key] != thiz_val ) { // @hack alert!! WE can not avoid using this :-( query_string_pairs[thiz_key] += '##URLARRAYVALHACK##' + thiz_val; } else { query_string_pairs[thiz_key] = thiz_val; } } else { query_string_pairs[thiz_key] = thiz_val; } } return query_string_pairs; }; /** * add_url_query_parameters * * Adds the current URL query parameters to the data array, on the get_params key * * @param array data * * @return array * * @uses self.extract_url_query_parameters * * @since 1.9.0 */ self.add_url_query_parameters = function( data ) { var query_s = self.extract_url_query_parameters( 1 ) ); data['get_params'] = {}; for ( var prop in query_s ) { if ( query_s.hasOwnProperty( prop ) && ! data.hasOwnProperty( prop ) ) { data['get_params'][prop] = query_s[prop]; } } return data; }; /** * add_url_controls_for_column_sort * * @param object form * * @since 1.9 */ self.add_url_controls_for_column_sort = function( form ) { var data = {}, data = self.add_url_query_parameters( data ); $.each( data['get_params'], function( key, value ) { if ( form.find( '[name=' + key + '], [name=' + key + '\\[\\]]' ).length === 0 ) { // @hack alert!! WE can not avoid this :-( var pieces = value.split( '##URLARRAYVALHACK##' ), pieces_length = pieces.length; if ( pieces_length < 2 ) { $( '' ).attr({ type: 'hidden', name: key, value: value }) .appendTo( form ); } else { for ( var iter = 0; iter < pieces_length; iter++ ) { $( '' ).attr({ type: 'hidden', name: key + "[]", value: pieces[iter] }) .appendTo( form ); } } } }); }; /** * utf8_encode * * @param string argString * * @return string * * @since 1.9.0 * * @author ( * @improved Kevin van Zonneveld ( * @improved sowberry * @tweaked Jack * @bugfixed Onno Marsman * @improved Yves Sucaet * @bugfixed Onno Marsman * @bugfixed Ulrich * @bugfixed Rafal Kukawski * @improved kirilloid */ self.utf8_encode = function( argString ) { if ( argString === null || typeof argString === "undefined" ) { return ""; } var string = ( argString + '' ), utftext = '', start = 0, end = 0, stringl = string.length; for ( var n = 0; n < stringl; n++ ) { var c1 = string.charCodeAt( n ), enc = null; if ( c1 < 128 ) { end++; } else if ( c1 > 127 && c1 < 2048 ) { enc = String.fromCharCode( ( c1 >> 6 ) | 192, ( c1 & 63 ) | 128 ); } else { enc = String.fromCharCode( ( c1 >> 12 ) | 224, ( ( c1 >> 6 ) & 63 ) | 128, ( c1 & 63 ) | 128 ); } if ( enc !== null ) { if ( end > start ) { utftext += string.slice( start, end ); } utftext += enc; start = end = n + 1; } } if ( end > start ) { utftext += string.slice( start, stringl ); } return utftext; }; /** * encodeToHex * * Converts the given data structure to a JSON string. * * @param string str * * @return string * * @since 1.9.0 */ self.encodeToHex = function( str ) { var r="", e = str.length, c = 0, h; while( c < e ) { h = str.charCodeAt( c++ ).toString( 16 ); while( h.length < 2 ) { h= "0" + h; } r += h; } return r; }; /** * array2json * * Converts the given data structure to a JSON string * * @param array arr * * @return string * * @since 1.9.0 * * @uses self.array2json * * @url * * @example var json_string = array2json(['e', {pluribus: 'unum'}]); * @example var json = array2json({"success":"Sweet","failure":false,"empty_array":[],"numbers":[1,2,3],"info":{"name":"Binny","site":"http:\/\/\/"}}); */ self.array2json = function( arr ) { var parts = [], is_list = ( Object.prototype.toString.apply( arr ) === '[object Array]' ); for( var key in arr ) { var value = arr[key]; if ( typeof value == "object" ) { //Custom handling for arrays if ( is_list ) { parts.push( self.array2json( value ) ); /* :RECURSION: */ } else { parts.push( '"' + key + '":' + self.array2json( value ) ); /* :RECURSION: */ } } else { var str = ""; if ( ! is_list ) { str = '"' + key + '":'; } //Custom handling for multiple data types if ( typeof value == "number" ) { str += value; //Numbers } else if ( value === false ) { str += 'false'; //The booleans } else if ( value === true ) { str += 'true'; } else { str += '"' + self.utf8_encode( value ) + '"'; //All other things } // :TODO: Is there any more datatype we should be in the lookout for? (Functions?) parts.push( str ); } } var json = parts.join( "," ); if ( is_list ) { return '[' + json + ']';//Return numerical JSON } return '{' + json + '}';//Return associative JSON }; /** * serialize_array * * @param array data * * @return string * * @since 1.9.0 * * @uses self.encodeToHex * @uses self.array2json */ self.serialize_array = function( data ) { return self.encodeToHex( self.array2json( data ) ); }; /** * render_frontend_datepicker * * Adds a datepicker to a selector but only if it has not been added before. * * Fired on document.ready, after AJAX pagination and after AJAX parametric search events. * * @since 1.9 */ self.render_frontend_datepicker = function() { $( '.js-wpv-frontend-datepicker:not(.js-wpv-frontend-datepicker-inited)' ).each( function() { var thiz = $( this ); thiz .addClass( 'js-wpv-frontend-datepicker-inited' ) .datepicker({ onSelect: function( dateText, inst ) { var url_param = 'param' ), data = 'date=' + dateText, form = thiz.closest( 'form' ); data += '&date-format=' + $( '.js-wpv-date-param-' + url_param + '-format' ).val(); data += '&action=wpv_format_date'; $.post( wpv_pagination_local.front_ajaxurl, data, function( response ) { response = $.parseJSON( response ); form.find('.js-wpv-date-param-' + url_param ).html( response['display'] ); form.find('.js-wpv-date-front-end-clear-' + url_param ).show(); form.find('.js-wpv-date-param-' + url_param + '-value' ).val( response['timestamp'] ).trigger( 'change' ); }); }, dateFormat: 'ddmmyy', minDate: wpv_pagination_local.datepicker_min_date, maxDate: wpv_pagination_local.datepicker_max_date, showOn: "button", buttonImage: wpv_pagination_local.calendar_image, buttonText: wpv_pagination_local.calendar_text, buttonImageOnly: true, changeMonth: true, changeYear: true }); }); }; /** * clone_form * * Clones a form using the fixed clone() method that covers select and textarea elements * * @param object fil * @param array targets * * @since 1.9 */ self.clone_form = function( fil, targets ) { var cloned = fil.clone(); targets.each( function() { $( this ).replaceWith( cloned ); }); }; /** * render_frontend_media_shortcodes * * Render the WordPress media players for items inside a container. * * @param object container * * @since 1.9 */ self.render_frontend_media_shortcodes = function( container ) { container.find( '.wp-audio-shortcode, .wp-video-shortcode' ).each( function() { var thiz = $( this ); thiz.mediaelementplayer(); }); container.find( '.wp-playlist' ).each( function() { var thiz = $( this ); return new WPPlaylistView({ el: this }); }); }; // ------------------------------------ // Events // ------------------------------------ /** * Window resize event * * Make Views layouts responsive * * @since 1.9 */ $( window ).resize( function() { var thiz, width; $( '.js-wpv-layout-responsive' ).each( function() { thiz = $( this ); width = thiz.parent().width(); thiz.css( 'width', width ); }); }); // ------------------------------------ // Init // ------------------------------------ self.init = function() { self.render_frontend_datepicker(); }; self.init(); }; WPViews.ViewPagination = function( $ ) { // ------------------------------------ // Constants and variables // ------------------------------------ var self = this; self.did_stop_rollover = {}; self.pagination_queue = {}; /* PATTERN TO SET DEFAULTS; useful if I pla to pass objects as in pagination_replace_view_links instead a bunch of variables var defaults = { validate: false, limit: 5, name: "foo" }; var options = { validate: true, name: "bar" }; // Merge defaults and options, without modifying defaults var settings = $.extend( {}, defaults, options ); */ // ------------------------------------ // Methods // ------------------------------------ /** * get_ajax_pagination_url * * Build the pagination URL to get the given page based on data * * @param object data * * @since 1.9 */ self.get_ajax_pagination_url = function( data ) { var url; if ( wpv_pagination_local.ajax_pagination_url.slice( -'.php'.length ) === '.php' ) { url = wpv_pagination_local.ajax_pagination_url + '?wpv-ajax-pagination=' + WPViews.view_frontend_utils.serialize_array( data ); } else { url = wpv_pagination_local.ajax_pagination_url + WPViews.view_frontend_utils.serialize_array( data ); } return url; }; /** * add_view_parameters * * Add several information to the data used to get pagination pages. * For example, add column sorting data, parametric search data and parent View data. * * @since 1.9 */ self.add_view_parameters = function( data, page, view_number ) { data['action'] = 'wpv_get_page'; data['page'] = page; data['view_number'] = view_number; var this_form = $( 'form.js-wpv-filter-form-' + view_number ); data['wpv_column_sort_id'] = this_form.find( 'input[name=wpv_column_sort_id]' ).val(); data['wpv_column_sort_dir'] = this_form.find( 'input[name=wpv_column_sort_dir]' ).val(); data['wpv_view_widget_id'] = $( '#wpv_widget_view-' + view_number ).val(); data['view_hash'] = $( '#wpv_view_hash-' + view_number ).val(); if ( this_form.find( 'input[name=wpv_post_id]' ).length > 0 ) { data['post_id'] = this_form.find( 'input[name=wpv_post_id]' ).val(); } if ( this_form.find( 'input[name=wpv_aux_parent_term_id]' ).length > 0 ) { data['wpv_aux_parent_term_id'] = this_form.find( 'input[name=wpv_aux_parent_term_id]' ).val(); } if ( this_form.find( 'input[name=wpv_aux_parent_user_id]' ).length > 0 ) { data['wpv_aux_parent_user_id'] = this_form.find( 'input[name=wpv_aux_parent_user_id]' ).val(); } data['dps_pr'] = {}; data['dps_general'] = {}; var this_prelements = this_form.find( '.js-wpv-post-relationship-update' ); if ( this_prelements.length ) { data['dps_pr'] = this_prelements.serializeArray(); } if ( this_form.hasClass( 'js-wpv-dps-enabled' ) || this_form.hasClass( 'js-wpv-ajax-results-enabled' ) ) { data['dps_general'] = this_form.find( '.js-wpv-filter-trigger, .js-wpv-filter-trigger-delayed' ).serializeArray(); } return data; }; /** * pagination_init_preload_images * * Init-preload images. * * @since 1.9 */ self.pagination_init_preload_images = function() { $( '.wpv-pagination-preload-images' ).each( function() { var preloadedImages = [], element = $( this ), images = element.find( 'img' ); if ( images.length < 1 ) { element.css( 'visibility', 'visible' ); } else { 'load', function() { preloadedImages.push( $( this ).attr( 'src' ) ); if ( preloadedImages.length === images.length ) { element.css( 'visibility', 'visible' ); } }).each( function() { if( this.complete ) { $( this ).load(); } }); setTimeout( function() { element.css( 'visibility', 'visible' ); }, 3000 ); } }); }; /** * pagination_preload_pages * * Preload pages to a reach. * * @param * * @since 1.9 */ self.pagination_preload_pages = function( view_number, page, max_pages, cache_pages, preload_pages, reach_max ) { page = parseInt( page, 10 ); max_pages = parseInt( max_pages, 10 ); reach_max = parseInt( reach_max, 10 ); if ( preload_pages ) { var reach = 1; while ( reach < reach_max ) { self.pagination_load_next_page( view_number, page, max_pages, reach ); self.pagination_load_previous_page( view_number, page, max_pages, reach ); reach++; } } if ( cache_pages ) { self.pagination_cache_current_page( view_number, page ); } }; /** * pagination_cache_current_page * * Cache current page. * * @param string view_number * @param int page * * @since 1.9 */ self.pagination_cache_current_page = function( view_number, page ) { window.wpvCachedPages = ( typeof window.wpvCachedPages == 'undefined' ) ? [] : window.wpvCachedPages; window.wpvCachedImages = ( typeof window.wpvCachedImages == 'undefined' ) ? [] : window.wpvCachedImages; window.wpvCachedPages[view_number] = ( typeof window.wpvCachedPages[view_number] == 'undefined' ) ? [] : window.wpvCachedPages[view_number]; var dataCurrent = {}, content; icl_lang = ( typeof icl_lang == 'undefined' ) ? false : icl_lang; if ( ! window.wpvCachedPages[view_number].hasOwnProperty( page ) ) { dataCurrent = self.add_view_parameters( dataCurrent, page, view_number ); dataCurrent = WPViews.view_frontend_utils.add_url_query_parameters( dataCurrent ); if ( icl_lang !== false ) { dataCurrent['lang'] = icl_lang; } $.get( self.get_ajax_pagination_url( dataCurrent ), '', function( response ) { window.wpvCachedPages[view_number][page] = response; content = $( response ).find( 'img' ); content.each( function() { window.wpvCachedImages.push( this.src ); }); }); } }; /** * pagination_load_next_page * * Load the next page, or the next one counting "reach" pages. * * @param string view_number * @param int page * @param int max_pages * @param int reach * * @since 1.9 */ self.pagination_load_next_page = function( view_number, page, max_pages, reach ) { window.wpvCachedPages = ( typeof window.wpvCachedPages == 'undefined' ) ? [] : window.wpvCachedPages; window.wpvCachedImages = ( typeof window.wpvCachedImages == 'undefined' ) ? [] : window.wpvCachedImages; window.wpvCachedPages[view_number] = ( typeof window.wpvCachedPages[view_number] == 'undefined' ) ? [] : window.wpvCachedPages[view_number]; var next_page = page + reach; icl_lang = ( typeof icl_lang == 'undefined' ) ? false : icl_lang; if ( ! window.wpvCachedPages[view_number].hasOwnProperty( next_page ) ) { if ( ( next_page - 1 ) < max_pages ) { var dataNext = {}; dataNext = self.add_view_parameters( dataNext, next_page, view_number ); dataNext = WPViews.view_frontend_utils.add_url_query_parameters( dataNext ); if ( icl_lang !== false ) { dataNext['lang'] = icl_lang; } $.get( self.get_ajax_pagination_url( dataNext ), '', function( response ) { window.wpvCachedPages[view_number][next_page] = response; var content = $( response ).find( 'img' ); content.each( function() { window.wpvCachedImages.push( this.src ); }); }); } } }; /** * pagination_load_previous_page * * Load the previous page, or the previous one counting "reach" pages. * * @param string view_number * @param int page * @param int max_pages * @param int reach * * @since 1.9 */ self.pagination_load_previous_page = function(view_number, page, max_pages, reach) { window.wpvCachedPages = ( typeof window.wpvCachedPages == 'undefined' ) ? [] : window.wpvCachedPages; window.wpvCachedImages = ( typeof window.wpvCachedImages == 'undefined' ) ? [] : window.wpvCachedImages; window.wpvCachedPages[view_number] = ( typeof window.wpvCachedPages[view_number] == 'undefined' ) ? [] : window.wpvCachedPages[view_number]; var previous_page = page - reach, dataPrevious = {}, content; icl_lang = ( typeof icl_lang == 'undefined' ) ? false : icl_lang; if ( ! window.wpvCachedPages[view_number].hasOwnProperty( previous_page ) ) { // LOAD PREVIOUS if ( ( previous_page + 1 ) > 1 ) { dataPrevious = self.add_view_parameters( dataPrevious, previous_page, view_number ); dataPrevious = WPViews.view_frontend_utils.add_url_query_parameters( dataPrevious ); if ( icl_lang !== false ) { dataPrevious['lang'] = icl_lang; } $.get( self.get_ajax_pagination_url( dataPrevious ), '', function( response ) { window.wpvCachedPages[view_number][previous_page] = response; content = $( response ).find( 'img' ); content.each( function() { window.wpvCachedImages.push( this.src ); }); }); } else if ( (previous_page + 1 ) === 1 ) { // LOAD LAST PAGE IF ON FIRST PAGE dataPrevious = self.add_view_parameters( dataPrevious, max_pages, view_number ); dataPrevious = WPViews.view_frontend_utils.add_url_query_parameters( dataPrevious ); if ( icl_lang !== false ) { dataPrevious['lang'] = icl_lang; } $.get( self.get_ajax_pagination_url( dataPrevious ), '', function( response ) { window.wpvCachedPages[view_number][max_pages] = response; window.wpvCachedPages[view_number][0] = response; content = $( response ).find( 'img' ); content.each( function() { window.wpvCachedImages.push( this.src ); }); }); } } }; /** * pagination_get_page * * Replace the layout and form with the new page, and init all related data. * * @param string view_number * @param bool next * @param string effect * @param int speed * @param string response * @param object wpvPaginatorLayout * @param object wpvPaginatorFilter * @param string callback_next * * @since 1.9 */ self.pagination_get_page = function( view_number, next, effect, speed, response, wpvPaginatorLayout, wpvPaginatorFilter, callback_next ) { var width = wpvPaginatorLayout.width(), outer_width = wpvPaginatorLayout.outerWidth(), height = wpvPaginatorLayout.height(), outer_height = wpvPaginatorLayout.outerHeight(), responseObj = $( '
' ).append( response ), responseView = responseObj.find( '#wpv-view-layout-' + view_number ), responseFilter = responseObj.find( 'form[name=wpv-filter-' + view_number + ']' ).html(), preloadedImages, images, parent; wpvPaginatorLayout.attr( 'id', 'wpv-view-layout-' + view_number + '-response' ).wrap( '
' ).css( 'width', width ); responseView.attr( 'id', 'wpv-view-layout-' + view_number ).css( {'visibility': 'hidden', 'width': width} ); if ( wpvPaginatorLayout.hasClass( 'wpv-pagination-preload-images' ) ) { preloadedImages = []; images = responseView.find( 'img' ); if ( images.length < 1 ) { self.pagination_slide( view_number, width, height, next, effect, speed, responseView, wpvPaginatorLayout, wpvPaginatorFilter, callback_next ); } else { 'load', function() { preloadedImages.push( $( this ).attr( 'src' ) ); if ( preloadedImages.length === images.length ) { self.pagination_slide( view_number, width, height, next, effect, speed, responseView, wpvPaginatorLayout, wpvPaginatorFilter, callback_next ); } }).each( function() { $( this ).load(); }); } // Fix nner nested Views with AJAX pagination: // The inner View, when preloading mages, is rendered with visibility:hidden by default responseView .find( '.wpv-pagination-preload-images' ) .css( 'visibility', 'visible' ); } else { self.pagination_slide( view_number, width, height, next, effect, speed, responseView, wpvPaginatorLayout, wpvPaginatorFilter, callback_next ); } wpvPaginatorFilter.html( responseFilter ); WPViews.view_frontend_utils.render_frontend_datepicker(); // Move the wpv_view_hash, wpv_paged_max and wpv_widget_view_id from the forms as it's only needed during ajax pagination $( 'input[id=wpv_view_hash-' + view_number + '], input[id=wpv_paged_max-' + view_number + '], input[id=wpv_widget_view-' + view_number + ']' ).each( function(index) { parent = $( this ).parent(); if ( ! 'form' ) ) { $( this ).remove(); } else { parent.after( this ); } }); }; /** * pagination_replace_view * * Manage the View pagination. * - Trigger the related form submit when pagination is not AJAX-ed * - Trigger pagination_replace_view when pagination is AJAX-ed * * @param * * @since 1.9 */ self.pagination_replace_view = function( view_number, page, ajax, effect, max_pages, cache_pages, preload_pages, spinner, spinner_image, callback_next, stop_rollover ) { if ( ! window.wpvPaginationAnimationFinished.hasOwnProperty( view_number ) ) { window.wpvPaginationAnimationFinished[view_number] = false; } else if ( window.wpvPaginationAnimationFinished[view_number] !== true ) { if ( ! window.wpvPaginationQueue.hasOwnProperty( view_number ) ) { window.wpvPaginationQueue[view_number] = []; } window.wpvPaginationQueue[view_number].push( arguments ); return false; } window.wpvPaginationAnimationFinished[view_number] = false; if ( stop_rollover ) { wpv_stop_rollover[view_number] = true; } var data = {}, wpvPaginatorLayout = $( '#wpv-view-layout-' + view_number ), wpvPaginatorFilter = $( 'form[name=wpv-filter-' + view_number + ']' ), speed = 500, next = true, max_reach = 1, img; if ( ajax !== true ) { // Add elements for the current url parameters // so any views that filter by url parameters will still work // We do not need to add the shortcode attributes // because basically passing them in the view_hash // @todo why not use wpv_add_url_controls_for_column_sort() data = {}; data = WPViews.view_frontend_utils.add_url_query_parameters( data ); $.each( data['get_params'], function( key, value ) { if ( wpvPaginatorFilter.find( '[name=' + key + '], [name=' + key + '\\[\\]]' ).length === 0 ) { var pieces = value.split( '##URLARRAYVALHACK##' ), pieces_length = pieces.length; if ( pieces_length < 2 ) { $( '' ).attr({ type: 'hidden', name: key, value: value }) .appendTo( wpvPaginatorFilter ); } else { for ( var iter = 0; iter < pieces_length; iter++ ) { $( '' ).attr({ type: 'hidden', name: key + "[]", value: pieces[iter] }) .appendTo( wpvPaginatorFilter ); } } } }); // Adjust the wpv_paged hidden input to the page that we want to show if ( $( 'input[name=wpv_paged]' ).length > 0 ) { $( 'input[name=wpv_paged]' ).attr( 'value', page ); } else { $( '').attr({ type: 'hidden', name: 'wpv_paged', value: page }) .appendTo( wpvPaginatorFilter ); } wpvPaginatorFilter[0].submit(); return false; } window.wpvPaginationAjaxLoaded[view_number] = false; this.historyP = ( typeof this.historyP == 'undefined' ) ? [] : this.historyP; window.wpvCachedPages = ( typeof window.wpvCachedPages == 'undefined' ) ? [] : window.wpvCachedPages; window.wpvCachedPages[view_number] = ( typeof window.wpvCachedPages[view_number] == 'undefined' ) ? [] : window.wpvCachedPages[view_number]; if ( effect === 'fadeslow' ) { speed = 1500; } else if (effect === 'fadefast') { speed = 1; } if ( 'duration' ) ) { if ('duration') !== "" && $.isNumeric( 'duration' ) ) ) { speed = 'duration' ); speed = parseFloat( speed ); } } if ( this.historyP.hasOwnProperty( view_number ) ) { next = ( this.historyP[view_number] < page ) ? true : false; } if ( $( '#wpv_paged_preload_reach-'+view_number ).val() ) { max_reach = $( '#wpv_paged_preload_reach-'+view_number ).val(); } max_reach++; if ( max_reach > max_pages ) { max_reach = max_pages; } if ( ( cache_pages || preload_pages ) && window.wpvCachedPages[view_number].hasOwnProperty( page ) ) { self.pagination_get_page( view_number, next, effect, speed, window.wpvCachedPages[view_number][page], wpvPaginatorLayout, wpvPaginatorFilter, callback_next ); self.pagination_preload_pages( view_number, page, max_pages, cache_pages, preload_pages, max_reach ); } else { // Set loading class if ( spinner !== 'no' ) { img = new Image(); img.src = spinner_image; img.onload = function() { var wpvPaginatorLayoutOffset = wpvPaginatorLayout.position(); wpvPaginatorLayout .before( '
' ) .animate( {opacity:0.5}, 300 ); }; } data = self.add_view_parameters( data, page, view_number ); // add url sorting parameters to allow custom sorting using ajax and table sorting parameters // @why not use wpv_add_url_controls_for_column_sort() data = WPViews.view_frontend_utils.add_url_query_parameters( data ); $.each( data['get_params'], function( key, value ) { if ( wpvPaginatorFilter.find( '[name=' + key + '], [name=' + key + '\\[\\]]' ).length === 0 ) { var pieces = value.split( '##URLARRAYVALHACK##' ), pieces_length = pieces.length; if ( pieces_length < 2 ) { $( '' ).attr({ type: 'hidden', name: key, value: value }) .appendTo( wpvPaginatorFilter ); } else { for ( var iter = 0; iter < pieces_length; iter++ ) { $( '' ).attr({ type: 'hidden', name: key + "[]", value: pieces[iter] }) .appendTo( wpvPaginatorFilter ); } } } }); icl_lang = ( typeof icl_lang == 'undefined' ) ? false : icl_lang; if ( icl_lang !== false ) { data['lang'] = icl_lang; } $.get( self.get_ajax_pagination_url( data ), '', function(response) { self.pagination_get_page( view_number, next, effect, speed, response, wpvPaginatorLayout, wpvPaginatorFilter, callback_next ); }); self.pagination_preload_pages( view_number, page, max_pages, cache_pages, preload_pages, max_reach ); } this.historyP[view_number] = page; return false; }; /** * pagination_slide * * Control the pagination replacement effects. * * @param * * @since 1.9 */ self.pagination_slide = function( view_number, width, height, next, effect, speed, responseView, wpvPaginatorLayout, wpvPaginatorFilter, callback_next ) { // !TODO clean the with/height parameters as at least one is not needed var old_height, new_height, is_callback = false, data_for_events = {}; if ( callback_next !== '' ) { var callback_next_func = window[callback_next]; if ( typeof callback_next_func === "function" ) { is_callback = true; } } data_for_events.view_unique_id = view_number; data_for_events.effect = effect; data_for_events.speed = speed; data_for_events.layout = responseView; // @todo we need here the orig_page and the current_page too if ( effect === 'slideh' || effect === 'slideleft' || effect === 'slideright' ) { if (effect === 'slideleft') { next = true; } else if ( effect === 'slideright' ) { next = false; } if ( next === true ) { //responseView.css('position', 'relative').css('margin-left', width+'px').css('margin-top', '-'+height+'px').css('visibility', 'visible'); wpvPaginatorLayout.css( 'float', 'left' ); responseView.css( {"float": "left", "visibility": "visible"} ); wpvPaginatorLayout.after( responseView ).parent().children().wrapAll( '
' ); $( '#wpv_slide_loading_img_'+view_number ).fadeOut(function() { $( this ).remove(); }); old_height = wpvPaginatorLayout.outerHeight(); new_height = responseView.outerHeight(); if ( old_height === new_height ) { wpvPaginatorLayout.parent().animate( {marginLeft: '-'+wpvPaginatorLayout.outerWidth()+'px'}, speed+500, function() { responseView.css( {'position': 'static', 'float': 'none'} ); wpvPaginatorLayout.unwrap().unwrap().remove(); window.wpvPaginationAjaxLoaded[view_number] = true; window.wpvPaginationAnimationFinished[view_number] = true; if ( is_callback ) { callback_next_func(); } $( document ).trigger( 'js_event_wpv_pagination_completed', [ data_for_events ] ); self.pagination_queue_trigger( view_number, next, wpvPaginatorFilter ); }); } else if ( old_height > new_height ) { wpvPaginatorLayout.parent().animate( {marginLeft: '-'+wpvPaginatorLayout.outerWidth()+'px'}, speed+500, function() { wpvPaginatorLayout.parent().parent().animate( {height: responseView.outerHeight()+'px'}, speed/2, function() { responseView.css( {'position': 'static', 'float': 'none'} ); wpvPaginatorLayout.unwrap().unwrap().remove(); window.wpvPaginationAjaxLoaded[view_number] = true; window.wpvPaginationAnimationFinished[view_number] = true; if ( is_callback ) { callback_next_func(); } $( document ).trigger( 'js_event_wpv_pagination_completed', [ data_for_events ] ); self.pagination_queue_trigger( view_number, next, wpvPaginatorFilter ); }); }); } else { wpvPaginatorLayout.parent().parent().animate( {height: responseView.outerHeight()+'px'}, speed/2, function() { wpvPaginatorLayout.parent().animate( {marginLeft: '-'+wpvPaginatorLayout.outerWidth()+'px'}, speed+500, function() { responseView.css( {'position': 'static', 'float': 'none'} ); wpvPaginatorLayout.unwrap().unwrap().remove(); window.wpvPaginationAjaxLoaded[view_number] = true; window.wpvPaginationAnimationFinished[view_number] = true; if ( is_callback ) { callback_next_func(); } $( document ).trigger( 'js_event_wpv_pagination_completed', [ data_for_events ] ); self.pagination_queue_trigger( view_number, next, wpvPaginatorFilter ); }); }); } } else { wpvPaginatorLayout.css( 'float', 'right' ); responseView.css( {'float': 'right', 'visibility': 'visible'} ); wpvPaginatorLayout.after( responseView ).parent().children().wrapAll( '
' ); $( '#wpv_slide_loading_img_' + view_number ).fadeOut( function() { $( this ).remove(); }); old_height = wpvPaginatorLayout.outerHeight(); new_height = responseView.outerHeight(); if ( old_height === new_height ) { wpvPaginatorLayout.parent().animate( {marginLeft: '0px'}, speed+500, function() { responseView.css( {'position': 'static', 'margin': '0px', 'float': 'none'} ); wpvPaginatorLayout.unwrap().unwrap().remove(); window.wpvPaginationAjaxLoaded[view_number] = true; window.wpvPaginationAnimationFinished[view_number] = true; if ( is_callback ) { callback_next_func(); } $( document ).trigger( 'js_event_wpv_pagination_completed', [ data_for_events ] ); self.pagination_queue_trigger( view_number, next, wpvPaginatorFilter ); }); } else if ( old_height > new_height ) { wpvPaginatorLayout.parent().animate( {marginLeft: '0px'}, speed+500, function() { wpvPaginatorLayout.parent().parent().animate( {height: responseView.outerHeight()+'px'}, speed/2, function() { responseView.css( {'position': 'static', 'margin': '0px', 'float': 'none'} ); wpvPaginatorLayout.unwrap().unwrap().remove(); window.wpvPaginationAjaxLoaded[view_number] = true; window.wpvPaginationAnimationFinished[view_number] = true; if ( is_callback ) { callback_next_func(); } $( document ).trigger( 'js_event_wpv_pagination_completed', [ data_for_events ] ); self.pagination_queue_trigger( view_number, next, wpvPaginatorFilter ); }); }); } else { wpvPaginatorLayout.parent().parent().animate( {height: responseView.outerHeight()+'px'}, speed/2, function() { wpvPaginatorLayout.parent().animate( {marginLeft: '0px'}, speed+500, function() { responseView.css( {'position': 'static', 'margin': '0px', 'float': 'none'} ); wpvPaginatorLayout.unwrap().unwrap().remove(); window.wpvPaginationAjaxLoaded[view_number] = true; window.wpvPaginationAnimationFinished[view_number] = true; if ( is_callback ) { callback_next_func(); } $( document ).trigger( 'js_event_wpv_pagination_completed', [ data_for_events ] ); self.pagination_queue_trigger( view_number, next, wpvPaginatorFilter ); }); }); } } } else if ( effect === 'slidev' || effect === 'slideup' || effect === 'slidedown' ) { if ( effect === 'slidedown' ) { next = false; } else if ( effect === 'slideup' ) { next = true; } if ( next === true ) { responseView.css( 'visibility', 'visible' ); wpvPaginatorLayout.after( responseView ).parent().children().wrapAll( '
' ); $( '#wpv_slide_loading_img_' + view_number ).fadeOut( function(){ $( this ).remove(); }); old_height = wpvPaginatorLayout.outerHeight(); new_height = responseView.outerHeight(); if ( old_height === new_height ) { wpvPaginatorLayout.parent().animate( {marginTop: '-'+responseView.outerHeight()+'px'}, speed+500, function() { responseView.css( {'position': 'static', 'margin': '0px'} ); wpvPaginatorLayout.unwrap().unwrap().remove(); window.wpvPaginationAjaxLoaded[view_number] = true; window.wpvPaginationAnimationFinished[view_number] = true; if ( is_callback ) { callback_next_func(); } $( document ).trigger( 'js_event_wpv_pagination_completed', [ data_for_events ] ); self.pagination_queue_trigger( view_number, next, wpvPaginatorFilter ); }); } else if ( old_height > new_height ) { wpvPaginatorLayout.parent().animate( {marginTop: '-'+old_height+'px'}, speed+500, function() { wpvPaginatorLayout.parent().parent().animate( {height: responseView.outerHeight()+'px'}, speed/2, function() { responseView.css( {'position': 'static', 'margin': '0px'} ); wpvPaginatorLayout.unwrap().unwrap().remove(); window.wpvPaginationAjaxLoaded[view_number] = true; window.wpvPaginationAnimationFinished[view_number] = true; if ( is_callback ) { callback_next_func(); } $( document ).trigger( 'js_event_wpv_pagination_completed', [ data_for_events ] ); self.pagination_queue_trigger( view_number, next, wpvPaginatorFilter ); }); }); } else { wpvPaginatorLayout.parent().parent().animate( {height: responseView.outerHeight()+'px'}, speed/2, function() { wpvPaginatorLayout.parent().animate( {marginTop: '-'+old_height+'px'}, speed+500, function() { responseView.css( {'position': 'static', 'margin': '0px'} ); wpvPaginatorLayout.unwrap().unwrap().remove(); window.wpvPaginationAjaxLoaded[view_number] = true; window.wpvPaginationAnimationFinished[view_number] = true; if ( is_callback ) { callback_next_func(); } $( document ).trigger( 'js_event_wpv_pagination_completed', [ data_for_events ] ); self.pagination_queue_trigger( view_number, next, wpvPaginatorFilter ); }); }); } } else { responseView.css( 'visibility', 'visible' ); wpvPaginatorLayout.before( responseView ).parent().children().wrapAll( '
' ); $( '#wpv_slide_loading_img_' + view_number ).fadeOut( function() { $( this ).remove(); }); old_height = wpvPaginatorLayout.outerHeight(); new_height = responseView.outerHeight(); wpvPaginatorLayout.parent().css( {'position': 'relative', 'margin-top': '-' + responseView.outerHeight() + 'px'} ); if ( old_height === new_height ) { wpvPaginatorLayout.parent().animate( {marginTop: '0px'}, speed+500, function() { responseView.css( {'position': 'static', 'margin': '0px'} ); wpvPaginatorLayout.unwrap().unwrap().remove(); window.wpvPaginationAjaxLoaded[view_number] = true; window.wpvPaginationAnimationFinished[view_number] = true; if ( is_callback ) { callback_next_func(); } $( document ).trigger( 'js_event_wpv_pagination_completed', [ data_for_events ] ); self.pagination_queue_trigger( view_number, next, wpvPaginatorFilter ); }); } else if ( old_height > new_height ) { wpvPaginatorLayout.parent().animate( {marginTop: '0px'}, speed+500, function() { wpvPaginatorLayout.parent().parent().animate( {height: responseView.outerHeight()+'px'}, speed/2, function() { responseView.css( {'position': 'static', 'margin': '0px'} ); wpvPaginatorLayout.unwrap().unwrap().remove(); window.wpvPaginationAjaxLoaded[view_number] = true; window.wpvPaginationAnimationFinished[view_number] = true; if ( is_callback ) { callback_next_func(); } $( document ).trigger( 'js_event_wpv_pagination_completed', [ data_for_events ] ); self.pagination_queue_trigger( view_number, next, wpvPaginatorFilter ); }); }); } else { wpvPaginatorLayout.parent().parent().animate( {height: responseView.outerHeight()+'px'}, speed/2, function() { wpvPaginatorLayout.parent().animate( {marginTop: '0px'}, speed+500, function() { responseView.css( {'position': 'static', 'margin': '0px'} ); wpvPaginatorLayout.unwrap().unwrap().remove(); window.wpvPaginationAjaxLoaded[view_number] = true; window.wpvPaginationAnimationFinished[view_number] = true; if ( is_callback ) { callback_next_func(); } $( document ).trigger( 'js_event_wpv_pagination_completed', [ data_for_events ] ); self.pagination_queue_trigger( view_number, next, wpvPaginatorFilter ); }); }); } } } else { // Fade $( '#wpv_slide_loading_img_' + view_number ).fadeOut( function() { $( this ).remove(); }); wpvPaginatorLayout.css( {'position': 'absolute', 'z-index': '5'} ).after( responseView ).next().css( 'position', 'static' ); old_height = wpvPaginatorLayout.outerHeight(); new_height = responseView.outerHeight(); if ( old_height === new_height ) { wpvPaginatorLayout.fadeOut( speed, function(){ wpvPaginatorLayout.unwrap().remove(); window.wpvPaginationAjaxLoaded[view_number] = true; window.wpvPaginationAnimationFinished[view_number] = true; if ( is_callback ) { callback_next_func(); } $( document ).trigger( 'js_event_wpv_pagination_completed', [ data_for_events ] ); self.pagination_queue_trigger( view_number, next, wpvPaginatorFilter ); }); responseView.hide().css( 'visibility', 'visible' ).fadeIn( speed ); } else { wpvPaginatorLayout.fadeOut( speed, function() { wpvPaginatorLayout.parent().animate( {height: new_height+'px'}, speed, function() { wpvPaginatorLayout.unwrap().remove(); window.wpvPaginationAjaxLoaded[view_number] = true; window.wpvPaginationAnimationFinished[view_number] = true; if ( is_callback ) { callback_next_func(); } $( document ).trigger( 'js_event_wpv_pagination_completed', [ data_for_events ] ); self.pagination_queue_trigger( view_number, next, wpvPaginatorFilter ); responseView.hide().css( 'visibility', 'visible' ).fadeIn( speed ); }); }); } } }; /** * pagination_replace_view_links * * Replace a View layout when triggered from a pagination link. * * @param * * @since 1.9 */ self.pagination_replace_view_links = function( data_collected ) { var i;// TODO this can be improved: we should not need a loop here at all for ( i = 1; i <= data_collected.max_pages; i++ ) { if ( i === ) { $( '#wpv-page-link-' + data_collected.view_number + '-' + i ).addClass( 'wpv_page_current' ); } else { $( '#wpv-page-link-' + data_collected.view_number + '-' + i ).removeClass( 'wpv_page_current' ); } } self.pagination_replace_view( data_collected.view_number,, data_collected.ajax, data_collected.effect, data_collected.max_pages, data_collected.cache_pages, data_collected.preload_pages, data_collected.spinner, data_collected.spinner_image, data_collected.callback_next, data_collected.stop_rollover ); }; /** * pagination_queue_trigger * * Manage multiple and fast pagination requests. * * @param * * @since 1.9 */ self.pagination_queue_trigger = function( view_number, next, wpvPaginatorFilter ) { var args, page, max_pages; if ( window.wpvPaginationQueue.hasOwnProperty( view_number ) && window.wpvPaginationQueue[view_number].length > 0 ) { // when double clicking,we have set window.wpvPaginationQueue[view_number][1] and maybe we could tweak it to change the page number. Maybe checkin historyP window.wpvPaginationQueue[view_number].sort(); args = window.wpvPaginationQueue[view_number][0]; window.wpvPaginationQueue[view_number].splice(0, 1); page = args[1]; max_pages = args[4]; if ( page > max_pages ) { page = 1; } else if ( page < 1 ) { page = max_pages; } self.pagination_replace_view( view_number, page, args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5], args[6], args[7], args[8], args[10] ); } }; // ------------------------------------ // Events // ------------------------------------ /** * Manage pagination triggered from prev/next links * * @since 1.9 */ $( document ).on( 'click', '.js-wpv-pagination-next-link, .js-wpv-pagination-previous-link', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); var thiz = $( this ), view_number = 'viewnumber' ), page = 'page' ), ajax = 'ajax' ), effect = 'effect' ), max_pages = 'maxpages' ), cache_pages = 'cachepages' ), preload_pages = 'preloadimages' ), spinner = 'spinner' ), spinner_image = 'spinnerimage' ), callback_next = 'callbacknext' ), stop_rollover = 'stoprollover' ); return self.pagination_replace_view( view_number, page, ajax, effect, max_pages, cache_pages, preload_pages, spinner, spinner_image, callback_next, stop_rollover ); }); /** * Manage pagination triggered by a change in the page selector dropdown * * @since 1.9 */ $( document ).on( 'change', '.js-wpv-page-selector', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); var thiz = $( this ), view_number = 'viewnumber' ), page = thiz.val(), ajax = 'ajax' ), effect = 'effect' ), max_pages = 'maxpages' ), cache_pages = 'cachepages' ), preload_pages = 'preloadimages' ), spinner = 'spinner' ), spinner_image = 'spinnerimage' ), callback_next = 'callbacknext' ), stop_rollover = 'stoprollover' ); return self.pagination_replace_view( view_number, page, ajax, effect, max_pages, cache_pages, preload_pages, spinner, spinner_image, callback_next, stop_rollover ); }); /** * Manage pagination triggered by a click on a pagination link. * * @since 1.9 * * @note Safari on iOS might need to also listen to the touchstart event. Investigate this! */ $( document ).on( 'click', '.js-wpv-pagination-link', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); var thiz = $( this ), data_collected = {}; data_collected.view_number = 'viewnumber'); = 'page' ); data_collected.ajax = 'ajax' ); data_collected.effect = 'effect' ); data_collected.max_pages = 'maxpages' ); data_collected.cache_pages = 'cachepages' ); data_collected.preload_pages = 'preloadimages' ); data_collected.spinner = 'spinner' ); data_collected.spinner_image = 'spinnerimage' ); data_collected.callback_next = 'callbacknext' ); data_collected.stop_rollover = 'stoprollover' ); return self.pagination_replace_view_links( data_collected ); }); // ------------------------------------ // Custom events // ------------------------------------ /** * js_event_wpv_pagination_completed * * Event fired after a pagination transition has been completed * * @param data * - view_unique_id * - effect * - speed * - layout * * @since 1.9 */ $( document ).on( 'js_event_wpv_pagination_completed', function( event, data ) { WPViews.view_frontend_utils.render_frontend_media_shortcodes( data.layout ); }); // ------------------------------------ // Init // ------------------------------------ self.init = function() { // Preload images in paginator initially $('.wpv-pagination-preload-images').css('visibility', 'hidden'); // TODO move it to the CSS file and test self.pagination_init_preload_images(); $('.wpv-pagination-preload-pages').each(function(){ var view_number = parseInt($(this).attr('id').substring(16), 10); var max_pages = parseInt($('#wpv_paged_max-'+view_number).val(),10); var max_reach = 1; if ($('#wpv_paged_preload_reach-'+view_number).val()) { max_reach = parseInt($('#wpv_paged_preload_reach-'+view_number).val(), 10); } max_reach++; if (max_reach > max_pages) { max_reach = max_pages; } self.pagination_preload_pages(view_number, 1, max_pages, false, true, max_reach); }); // Move the wpv_view_hash, wpv_paged_max and wpv_widget_view_id from the forms as it's only needed during ajax pagination $('input[name=wpv_view_hash], input[name=wpv_paged_max], input[name=wpv_widget_view_id]').each( function() { $(this).parent().after(this); }); // Datepicker initailizing //WPViews.view_frontend_utils.render_frontend_datepicker(); } self.init(); }; WPViews.ViewParametricSearch = function( $ ) { // ------------------------------------ // Constants and variables // ------------------------------------ var self = this; // ------------------------------------ // Methods // ------------------------------------ /** * manage_update_form * * * * @since 1.9 * * @todo we are not handling 3rd party URL parameters here */ self.manage_update_form = function( fil, ajax_get ) { var view_num = 'viewnumber' ), view_id = 'viewid' ), aux_fil, data = { action: 'wpv_update_parametric_search', valz: fil.serializeArray(), viewid: view_id, getthis: ajax_get }, attr_data = fil.find('.js-wpv-view-attributes'); wpv_stop_rollover[view_num] = true; if ( attr_data.length > 0 ) { data['attributes'] =; } if ( fil.attr( 'data-targetid' ) ) { data.targetid = 'targetid' ); } else if ( ajax_get == 'both' ) { aux_fil = $( '.js-wpv-form-only.js-wpv-filter-form-' + view_num ); data.targetid = 'targetid' ); } return $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: wpv_pagination_local.front_ajaxurl, data: data }); }; self.manage_update_results = function( lay, new_lay, view_num, ajax_before, ajax_after ) { if ( ajax_before !== '' ) { var ajax_before_func = window[ajax_before]; if ( typeof ajax_before_func === "function" ) { ajax_before_func( view_num ); } } var data_for_events = {}; data_for_events.view_unique_id = view_num; lay.fadeOut( 200, function() { lay.html( new_lay ).fadeIn( 'fast', function() { var ajax_after_func = window[ajax_after]; if ( typeof ajax_after_func === "function" ) { ajax_after_func( view_num ); } data_for_events.layout = lay; $( document ).trigger( 'js_event_wpv_parametric_search_results_updated', [ data_for_events ] ); }); }); }; /** * manage_changed_form * * @param * * @since 1.9 */ self.manage_changed_form = function( fil, force_form_update, force_results_update ) { var view_num = 'viewnumber' ), lay = $( '#wpv-view-layout-' + view_num ), full_data = fil.find( '.js-wpv-filter-data-for-this-form' ), ajax_pre_before = 'ajaxprebefore' ), ajax_before = 'ajaxbefore' ), ajax_after = 'ajaxafter' ), view_type = 'full', additional_forms = $( '.js-wpv-filter-form-' + view_num ).not( fil ), additional_forms_only, additional_forms_full, ajax_get = 'both', new_content_form, new_content_form_filter, new_content_full, new_content_full_filter, new_content_full_layout, spinnerContainer = fil.find( '.js-wpv-dps-spinner' ).add( additional_forms.find( '.js-wpv-dps-spinner' ) ),//TODO maybe add a view_num here to select all spinnerContainers spinnerItems = spinnerContainer.length data_for_events = {}; data_for_events.view_unique_id = view_num; if ( fil.hasClass( 'js-wpv-form-only' ) ) { view_type = 'form'; } if ( fil.hasClass( 'js-wpv-dps-enabled' ) || force_form_update === true ) { if ( additional_forms.length > 0 ) { additional_forms_only = additional_forms.not( '.js-wpv-form-full' ); additional_forms_full = additional_forms.not( '.js-wpv-form-only' ); if ( view_type == 'form' ) { if ( additional_forms_full.length > 0 || ( fil.hasClass( 'js-wpv-ajax-results-enabled' ) && lay.length > 0 ) ) { ajax_get = 'both'; } else { ajax_get = 'form'; } if ( ( fil.hasClass( 'js-wpv-ajax-results-enabled' ) && lay.length > 0 ) || force_results_update ) { if ( ajax_pre_before !== '' ) { var ajax_pre_before_func = window[ajax_pre_before]; if ( typeof ajax_pre_before_func === "function" ) { ajax_pre_before_func( view_num ); } } $( document ).trigger( 'js_event_wpv_parametric_search_started', [ data_for_events ] ); } if ( spinnerItems ) {// TODO maybe only when updating results $( spinnerContainer ).fadeIn( 'fast' ); } self.manage_update_form( fil, ajax_get ).done(function(result) { decoded_response = $.parseJSON(result); new_content_form = $( '
' ).append( decoded_response.form ); new_content_full = $( '
' ).append( decoded_response.full ); new_content_form_filter = new_content_form.find( '.js-wpv-filter-form' ).html(); new_content_full_filter = new_content_full.find( '.js-wpv-filter-form' ).html(); new_content_full_layout = new_content_full.find( '.js-wpv-view-layout' ).html(); fil.html( new_content_form_filter ); $( ".js-wpv-frontend-datepicker" ) .removeClass( 'js-wpv-frontend-datepicker-inited' ) .datepicker( "destroy" ); WPViews.view_frontend_utils.clone_form( fil, additional_forms_only ); additional_forms_full.each( function() { $( this ).html( new_content_full_filter ); }); data_for_events.view_changed_form = fil; data_for_events.view_changed_form_additional_forms_only = additional_forms_only; data_for_events.view_changed_form_additional_forms_full = additional_forms_full; $( document ).trigger( 'js_event_wpv_parametric_search_form_updated', [ data_for_events ] ); if ( ( fil.hasClass( 'js-wpv-ajax-results-enabled' ) && lay.length > 0 ) || force_results_update ) { self.manage_update_results( lay, new_content_full_layout, view_num, ajax_before, ajax_after ); } spinnerContainer.hide(); }).fail(function() { // an error occurred }); } else { if ( additional_forms_only.length > 0 ) { ajax_get = 'both'; } else { ajax_get = 'full'; } if ( ( fil.hasClass( 'js-wpv-ajax-results-enabled' ) && lay.length > 0 ) || force_results_update ) { if ( ajax_pre_before !== '' ) { var ajax_pre_before_func = window[ajax_pre_before]; if ( typeof ajax_pre_before_func === "function" ) { ajax_pre_before_func( view_num ); } } $( document ).trigger( 'js_event_wpv_parametric_search_started', [ data_for_events ] ); } if ( spinnerItems ) {// TODO maybe only when updating results $( spinnerContainer ).fadeIn( 'fast' ); } self.manage_update_form( fil, ajax_get ).done(function(result) { decoded_response = $.parseJSON(result); new_content_form = $( '
' ).append( decoded_response.form ); new_content_full = $( '
' ).append( decoded_response.full ); new_content_form_filter = new_content_form.find( '.js-wpv-filter-form' ).html(); new_content_full_filter = new_content_full.find( '.js-wpv-filter-form' ).html(); new_content_full_layout = new_content_full.find( '.js-wpv-view-layout' ).html(); fil.html( new_content_full_filter ); $( ".js-wpv-frontend-datepicker" ) .removeClass( 'js-wpv-frontend-datepicker-inited' ) .datepicker( "destroy" ); WPViews.view_frontend_utils.clone_form( fil, additional_forms_full ); additional_forms_only.each( function() { $( this ).html( new_content_form_filter ); }); data_for_events.view_changed_form = fil; data_for_events.view_changed_form_additional_forms_only = additional_forms_only; data_for_events.view_changed_form_additional_forms_full = additional_forms_full; $( document ).trigger( 'js_event_wpv_parametric_search_form_updated', [ data_for_events ] ); if ( ( fil.hasClass( 'js-wpv-ajax-results-enabled' ) && lay.length > 0 ) || force_results_update ) { self.manage_update_results( lay, new_content_full_layout, view_num, ajax_before, ajax_after ); } spinnerContainer.hide(); }).fail(function() { // an error occurred }); } } else { if ( view_type == 'form' ) { if ( fil.hasClass( 'js-wpv-ajax-results-enabled' ) && lay.length > 0 ) { ajax_get = 'both'; // NOTE this should never happen: // If change is done on an only-form and there is no extra form, there is no full form thus there is no layout // WARNING this can be executed on an only-form form from a View with automatic results // I might want to avoid this branch completely // NOTE-2 might be a good idea to keep-on-clear// As we might be displaying the layout in non-standard ways // So keeping the check for lay.length should suffice } else { ajax_get = 'form'; } if ( ( fil.hasClass( 'js-wpv-ajax-results-enabled' ) && lay.length > 0 ) || force_results_update ) { if ( ajax_pre_before !== '' ) { var ajax_pre_before_func = window[ajax_pre_before]; if ( typeof ajax_pre_before_func === "function" ) { ajax_pre_before_func( view_num ); } } $( document ).trigger( 'js_event_wpv_parametric_search_started', [ data_for_events ] ); } if ( spinnerItems ) {// TODO maybe only when updating results $( spinnerContainer ).fadeIn( 'fast' ); } self.manage_update_form( fil, ajax_get ).done(function(result) { decoded_response = $.parseJSON(result); new_content_form = $( '
' ).append( decoded_response.form ); new_content_full = $( '
' ).append( decoded_response.full ); new_content_form_filter = new_content_form.find( '.js-wpv-filter-form' ).html(); //new_content_full_filter = new_content_full.find( '.js-wpv-filter-form' ).html(); new_content_full_layout = new_content_full.find( '.js-wpv-view-layout' ).html(); fil.html( new_content_form_filter ); data_for_events.view_changed_form = fil; data_for_events.view_changed_form_additional_forms_only = additional_forms_only; data_for_events.view_changed_form_additional_forms_full = additional_forms_full; $( document ).trigger( 'js_event_wpv_parametric_search_form_updated', [ data_for_events ] ); if ( ( fil.hasClass( 'js-wpv-ajax-results-enabled' ) && lay.length > 0 ) || force_results_update ) { self.manage_update_results( lay, new_content_full_layout, view_num, ajax_before, ajax_after ); } spinnerContainer.hide(); }).fail(function() { // an error occurred }); } else { if ( ( fil.hasClass( 'js-wpv-ajax-results-enabled' ) && lay.length > 0 ) || force_results_update ) { if ( ajax_pre_before !== '' ) { var ajax_pre_before_func = window[ajax_pre_before]; if ( typeof ajax_pre_before_func === "function" ) { ajax_pre_before_func( view_num ); } } $( document ).trigger( 'js_event_wpv_parametric_search_started', [ data_for_events ] ); } if ( spinnerItems ) {// TODO maybe only when updating results $( spinnerContainer ).fadeIn( 'fast' ); } self.manage_update_form( fil, 'full' ).done(function(result) { decoded_response = $.parseJSON(result); //new_content_form = $( '
' ).append( ajax_result.form ); new_content_full = $( '
' ).append( decoded_response.full ); //new_content_form_filter = new_content_form.find( '.js-wpv-filter-form' ).html(); new_content_full_filter = new_content_full.find( '.js-wpv-filter-form' ).html(); new_content_full_layout = new_content_full.find( '.js-wpv-view-layout' ).html(); fil.html( new_content_full_filter ); data_for_events.view_changed_form = fil; data_for_events.view_changed_form_additional_forms_only = additional_forms_only; data_for_events.view_changed_form_additional_forms_full = additional_forms_full; $( document ).trigger( 'js_event_wpv_parametric_search_form_updated', [ data_for_events ] ); if ( ( fil.hasClass( 'js-wpv-ajax-results-enabled' ) && lay.length > 0 ) || force_results_update ) { self.manage_update_results( lay, new_content_full_layout, view_num, ajax_before, ajax_after ); } spinnerContainer.hide(); }).fail(function() { // an error occurred }); } } } else { if ( additional_forms.length > 0 ) { additional_forms_only = additional_forms.not( '.js-wpv-form-full' ); additional_forms_full = additional_forms.not( '.js-wpv-form-only' ); if ( view_type == 'form' ) { $( ".js-wpv-frontend-datepicker" ) .removeClass( 'js-wpv-frontend-datepicker-inited' ) .datepicker( "destroy" ); WPViews.view_frontend_utils.clone_form( fil, additional_forms_only ); if ( additional_forms_full.length > 0 || ( fil.hasClass( 'js-wpv-ajax-results-enabled' ) && lay.length > 0 ) ) { if ( ( fil.hasClass( 'js-wpv-ajax-results-enabled' ) && lay.length > 0 ) || force_results_update ) { if ( ajax_pre_before !== '' ) { var ajax_pre_before_func = window[ajax_pre_before]; if ( typeof ajax_pre_before_func === "function" ) { ajax_pre_before_func( view_num ); } } $( document ).trigger( 'js_event_wpv_parametric_search_started', [ data_for_events ] ); } if ( spinnerItems ) {// TODO maybe only when updating results $( spinnerContainer ).fadeIn( 'fast' ); } self.manage_update_form( fil, 'full' ).done(function(result) { decoded_response = $.parseJSON(result); //new_content_form = $( '
' ).append( decoded_response.form ); new_content_full = $( '
' ).append( decoded_response.full ); //new_content_form_filter = new_content_form.find( '.js-wpv-filter-form' ).html(); new_content_full_filter = new_content_full.find( '.js-wpv-filter-form' ).html(); new_content_full_layout = new_content_full.find( '.js-wpv-view-layout' ).html(); additional_forms_full.each( function() { $( this ).html( new_content_full_filter ); }); data_for_events.view_changed_form = fil; data_for_events.view_changed_form_additional_forms_only = additional_forms_only; data_for_events.view_changed_form_additional_forms_full = additional_forms_full; $( document ).trigger( 'js_event_wpv_parametric_search_form_updated', [ data_for_events ] ); if ( ( fil.hasClass( 'js-wpv-ajax-results-enabled' ) && lay.length > 0 ) || force_results_update ) { self.manage_update_results( lay, new_content_full_layout, view_num, ajax_before, ajax_after ); } spinnerContainer.hide(); }).fail(function() { // an error occurred }); } else { data_for_events.view_changed_form = fil; data_for_events.view_changed_form_additional_forms_only = additional_forms_only; data_for_events.view_changed_form_additional_forms_full = additional_forms_full; $( document ).trigger( 'js_event_wpv_parametric_search_form_updated', [ data_for_events ] ); } } else { $( ".js-wpv-frontend-datepicker" ) .removeClass( 'js-wpv-frontend-datepicker-inited' ) .datepicker( "destroy" ); WPViews.view_frontend_utils.clone_form( fil, additional_forms_full ); WPViews.view_frontend_utils.render_frontend_datepicker(); if ( additional_forms_only.length > 0 || ( fil.hasClass( 'js-wpv-ajax-results-enabled' ) && lay.length > 0 ) ) { if ( additional_forms_only.length > 0 ) { ajax_get = 'both'; } else { ajax_get = 'full'; } if ( ( fil.hasClass( 'js-wpv-ajax-results-enabled' ) && lay.length > 0 ) || force_results_update ) { if ( ajax_pre_before !== '' ) { var ajax_pre_before_func = window[ajax_pre_before]; if ( typeof ajax_pre_before_func === "function" ) { ajax_pre_before_func( view_num ); } } $( document ).trigger( 'js_event_wpv_parametric_search_started', [ data_for_events ] ); } if ( spinnerItems ) {// TODO maybe only when updating results $( spinnerContainer ).fadeIn( 'fast' ); } self.manage_update_form( fil, ajax_get ).done(function(result) { decoded_response = $.parseJSON(result); new_content_form = $( '
' ).append( decoded_response.form ); new_content_full = $( '
' ).append( decoded_response.full ); new_content_form_filter = new_content_form.find( '.js-wpv-filter-form' ).html(); //new_content_full_filter = new_content_full.find( '.js-wpv-filter-form' ).html(); new_content_full_layout = new_content_full.find( '.js-wpv-view-layout' ).html(); additional_forms_only.each( function() { $( this ).html( new_content_form_filter ); }); data_for_events.view_changed_form = fil; data_for_events.view_changed_form_additional_forms_only = additional_forms_only; data_for_events.view_changed_form_additional_forms_full = additional_forms_full; $( document ).trigger( 'js_event_wpv_parametric_search_form_updated', [ data_for_events ] ); if ( ( fil.hasClass( 'js-wpv-ajax-results-enabled' ) && lay.length > 0 ) || force_results_update ) { self.manage_update_results( lay, new_content_full_layout, view_num, ajax_before, ajax_after ); } spinnerContainer.hide(); }).fail(function() { // an error occurred }); } } } else { if ( ( fil.hasClass( 'js-wpv-ajax-results-enabled' ) && lay.length > 0 ) || force_results_update ) { if ( ajax_pre_before !== '' ) { var ajax_pre_before_func = window[ajax_pre_before]; if ( typeof ajax_pre_before_func === "function" ) { ajax_pre_before_func( view_num ); } } $( document ).trigger( 'js_event_wpv_parametric_search_started', [ data_for_events ] ); if ( spinnerItems ) {// TODO maybe only when updating results $( spinnerContainer ).fadeIn( 'fast' ); } self.manage_update_form( fil, 'full' ).done(function(result) { decoded_response = $.parseJSON(result); //new_content_form = $( '
' ).append( decoded_response.form ); new_content_full = $( '
' ).append( decoded_response.full ); //new_content_form_filter = new_content_form.find( '.js-wpv-filter-form' ).html(); //new_content_full_filter = new_content_full.find( '.js-wpv-filter-form' ).html(); new_content_full_layout = new_content_full.find( '.js-wpv-view-layout' ).html(); self.manage_update_results( lay, new_content_full_layout, view_num, ajax_before, ajax_after ); spinnerContainer.hide(); }).fail(function() { // an error occurred }); } } } }; /** * dependant_form_clear_pagination_cache * * * @param * * @since 1.9 */ self.dependant_form_clear_pagination_cache = function( view_number ) { window.wpvCachedPages = ( typeof window.wpvCachedPages == 'undefined' ) ? [] : window.wpvCachedPages; window.wpvCachedPages[view_number] = []; }; // ------------------------------------ // Events // ------------------------------------ // Show datepicker on date string click $( document ).on( 'click', '.js-wpv-date-display', function() { var url_param = $( this ).data( 'param' ); $( '.js-wpv-date-front-end-' + url_param ).datepicker( 'show' ); }); // Remove current selected date $( document ).on( 'click', '.js-wpv-date-front-end-clear', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var thiz = $( this ), url_param = 'param' ), form = thiz.closest( 'form' ); form.find( '.js-wpv-date-param-' + url_param ).html( '' ); form.find( '.js-wpv-date-front-end-' + url_param ).val( '' ); thiz.hide(); form.find('.js-wpv-date-param-' + url_param + '-value' ) .val( '' ) .trigger( 'change' ); }); $( document ).on( 'change', '.js-wpv-post-relationship-update', function() { var thiz = $( this ), fil = thiz.closest( 'form' ), view_number = 'viewnumber' ), additional_forms = $( '.js-wpv-filter-form-' + view_number ).not( fil ), currentposttype = 'currentposttype' ), watchers = fil.find( '.js-wpv-' + currentposttype + '-watch' ).add( additional_forms.find( '.js-wpv-' + currentposttype + '-watch' ) ), watcherslength = watchers.length, i; if ( watcherslength ) { for( i = 0; i < watcherslength; i++ ) { $( watchers[i] ) .attr( 'disabled', true ) .removeAttr( 'checked' ) .removeAttr( 'selected' ) .not( ':button, :submit, :reset, :hidden, :radio, :checkbox' ) .val( '0' ); } } $( document ).trigger( 'js_event_wpv_parametric_search_triggered', [ { view_unique_id: view_number, form: fil, force_form_update: true } ] ); }); $( document ).on( 'change', '.js-wpv-filter-trigger', function() { var thiz = $( this ), fil = thiz.closest( 'form' ), view_number = 'viewnumber' ); $( document ).trigger( 'js_event_wpv_parametric_search_triggered', [ { view_unique_id: view_number, form: fil } ] ); }); $( document ).on( 'click', '.js-wpv-ajax-results-enabled .js-wpv-submit-trigger, .js-wpv-ajax-results-submit-enabled .js-wpv-submit-trigger', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); var thiz = $( this ), fil = thiz.closest( 'form' ), view_number = 'viewnumber' ); $( document ).trigger( 'js_event_wpv_parametric_search_triggered', [ { view_unique_id: view_number, form: fil, force_form_update: false, force_results_update: true } ] ); }); $( document).on( 'keypress', '.js-wpv-ajax-results-enabled .js-wpv-filter-trigger-delayed, .js-wpv-ajax-results-submit-enabled .js-wpv-filter-trigger-delayed', function( e ) { // Enter pressed? if ( e.which == 13 ) { e.preventDefault(); var thiz = $( this ), fil = thiz.closest( 'form' ), view_number = 'viewnumber' ); $( document ).trigger( 'js_event_wpv_parametric_search_triggered', [ { view_unique_id: view_number, form: fil } ] ); } }); $( document ).on( 'click', '.js-wpv-reset-trigger', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); var thiz = $( this ), fil = thiz.closest( 'form' ), view_number = 'viewnumber' ), additional_forms = $( '.js-wpv-filter-form-' + view_number ).not( fil ), watchers, watcherslength, i, target = fil.attr( 'action' ); if ( fil.hasClass( 'js-wpv-ajax-results-enabled' ) || fil.hasClass( 'js-wpv-ajax-results-submit-enabled' ) ) { watchers = fil.find( 'input, select' ).add( additional_forms.find( 'input, select' ) ); watcherslength = watchers.length; if ( watcherslength ) { for ( i = 0; i < watcherslength; i++ ) { if ( ! $( watchers[i] ).hasClass( 'js-wpv-keep-on-clear' ) ) { $( watchers[i] ) .attr( 'disabled', true ) .removeAttr( 'checked' ) .removeAttr( 'selected' ) .not( ':button, :submit, :reset, :hidden, :radio, :checkbox' ) .val( '' ); } } } $( document ).trigger( 'js_event_wpv_parametric_search_triggered', [ { view_unique_id: view_number, form: fil, force_form_update: true, force_results_update: true } ] ); } else { window.location.href = target; } }); $( document ).on( 'js_event_wpv_parametric_search_triggered', function( event, data ) { var defaults = { force_form_update: false, force_results_update: false }, settings = $.extend( {}, defaults, data ); self.manage_changed_form( settings.form, settings.force_form_update, settings.force_results_update ); }); // Also, stop the rollover if we do any modification on the parametric search form $( document ).on( 'change', '.js-wpv-filter-trigger, .js-wpv-filter-trigger-delayed', function() { var thiz = $( this ), fil = thiz.closest( 'form' ), view_num = 'viewnumber' ); wpv_stop_rollover[view_num] = true; self.dependant_form_clear_pagination_cache( view_num ); }); // ------------------------------------ // Custom events // ------------------------------------ /** * js_event_wpv_parametric_search_started * * Event fired before updating the parametric search forms and results. * * @param data * - view_unique_id * * @since 1.9 */ $( document ).on( 'js_event_wpv_parametric_search_started', function( event, data ) { }); /** * js_event_wpv_parametric_search_form_updated * * Event fired after updating the parametric search forms. * * @param data * - view_unique_id * - view_changed_form * - view_changed_form_additional_forms_only * - view_changed_form_additional_forms_full * * @since 1.9 */ $( document ).on( 'js_event_wpv_parametric_search_form_updated', function( event, data ) { WPViews.view_frontend_utils.render_frontend_datepicker(); }); /** * js_event_wpv_parametric_search_results_updated * * Event fired after updating the parametric search results. * * @param data * - view_unique_id * - layout * * @since 1.9 */ $( document ).on( 'js_event_wpv_parametric_search_results_updated', function( event, data ) { WPViews.view_frontend_utils.render_frontend_media_shortcodes( data.layout ); }); // ------------------------------------ // Init // ------------------------------------ self.init = function() { } self.init(); }; jQuery( document ).ready( function( $ ) { WPViews.view_frontend_utils = new WPViews.ViewFrontendUtils( $ ); WPViews.view_pagination = new WPViews.ViewPagination( $ ); WPViews.view_parametric_search = new WPViews.ViewParametricSearch( $ ); });